cropped view of accused man in jail uniform

Dallas Expungement Lawyer

For some people, expungement and/or record sealing offers a fresh start. If you believe you may qualify for either of these, Spangler Law stands ready to walk you through the process. Contact a Dallas expungement lawyer from our legal team today so we can get started.

Expungement Lawyer: Here to Help Wipe the Slate Clean

In Texas, you can either have your record expunged or sealed. Having your record expunged allows for the complete removal of your criminal record, as if it never happened. That said, not everyone qualifies for expungement. On the other hand, having your record sealed means that the crime will still be accessible to certain government and licensing agencies, but it will be hidden from the public. Both of these options are attractive to individuals looking to move on with their lives and leave their criminal record behind. If you’re hoping to have your record expunged or sealed, contact a skilled Dallas County criminal lawyer from Spangler Law.

Qualifying for Expungement

In Texas, you may only qualify for expungement under the following circumstances:

  • You were acquitted of a crime.
  • Your charges were dismissed without any final conviction or probation.
  • A grand jury “no billed” your case, meaning they chose not to indict you.
  • You received a pardon after being convicted.
  • You were arrested as a result of identity theft, and the true perpetrator was convicted of the offense.
  • You successfully completed deferred adjudication for certain Class C misdemeanors.
  • The statute of limitations expired on the crime without charges being filed.

The Expungement Process

If you and your attorney determine you qualify for expungement, you’ll go through the following steps:

  1. Collect all necessary documents, including arrest records and case dispositions.
  2. Submit a Petition for Expunction to the court in the county where you were arrested.
  3. Serve notice of the petition to relevant law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor’s office.
  4. Attend a court hearing where a judge will review your petition and any objections from notified parties.
  5. If granted, the judge will issue an Order of Expunction.
  6. Law enforcement agencies and other entities will be instructed to destroy or return your records.

Qualifying for Record Sealing (Order of Nondisclosure)

Though not everyone will qualify for having their record sealed (also known as an Order of Nondisclosure), the criteria are slightly more relaxed than those of expungement. You may qualify for an Order of Nondisclosure if the following is true:

  • You successfully completed deferred adjudication community supervision for eligible offenses.
  • Sufficient time has passed since the completion of your sentence, depending on the offense.
  • No subsequent convictions or deferred adjudications for other offenses during the waiting period.
  • The offense is not one of the disqualifying crimes, such as certain violent or sexual offenses.
  • You have fulfilled all terms of the sentence, including fines, restitution, and community service.

The Process of Having Your Record Sealed in Texas

Once you confirm that you meet the criteria for an Order of Nondisclosure, you and your lawyer will have to take the following steps:

  1. Ensure all conditions of your deferred adjudication or conviction are fully satisfied.
  2. File a Petition for Nondisclosure with the court that handled your case.
  3. Pay any required filing fees associated with the petition.
  4. Notify the prosecutor’s office and any other required parties of your petition.
  5. The court will review your petition and any objections filed by the prosecutor.
  6. If approved, the judge will issue an Order of Nondisclosure.
  7. The order will be sent to relevant agencies to seal your criminal record from public view.

Contact a Texas Expungement Lawyer Today

Don’t go through the process of having your record expunged or sealed on your own. Contact a dedicated Dallas expungement lawyer from Spangler Law today.

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